Well, I with my designer Atiq was trying to set the a div which is working fine in IE7 but when it comes to Firefox, it was asking us to give the margin-top:10px. when we put that, the div comes down in IE7. So, in this situation we need to specify two different styles for these two browsers.
I don't want to use that, which can also be done using the following HTML.
1: <!--[if IE 7]><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="IE7styles.css" /><![endif]-->
But I don't want to create two css files for this work. Somehow, I want to mage it in the name same CSS. So what I did is so I use Child Selector Command and Star HTML Hack.
Child Selector Command is not understandable by IE, hence whenever it gets something like this .... IE Ignores the style. So I decided to specify Firefox stuff here. it looks like as follows
1: html>body #ContainerCodeQuestionAnser
2: {
3: position:absolute; z-index:50;background-color:#FFFFFF;width:auto;
4: height:20px;margin-left:10px;overflow:hidden;top:10px; /*top is for firefox*/
5: }
In contrast, Star HTML Hack is not understandable by any other browser except IE. So IE Stuff Goes here.
1: * #ContainerCodeQuestionAnser
2: {
3: position:absolute; z-index:50;background-color:#FFFFFF;width:auto;
4: height:20px;margin-left:10px;overflow:hidden;
5: }
That's it ... the design looks really good.......